本刊讯从国家发展计划委员会获悉,中国计划在今后5年内使信息产业增加值占国内生产总值的比重达到7%以上。 国家计委近日编制完成的第十个五年计划期间《国民经济和社会信息化专项规划》指出,到2005年,中国信息和通信网络的规模和容量将升至世界第一位。 今后5年内
Ben-wein learned from the State Development Planning Commission that China plans to increase the added value of the information industry to more than 7% of its GDP in the next five years. During the Tenth Five-Year Plan that the State Planning Commission has compiled recently, the “Special Plan for National Economic and Social Informationalization” points out that by 2005, the scale and capacity of China’s information and communications network will rise to the first place in the world. In the next 5 years