With regard to the conductive mechanism of conductive polypyrrole (PP) films, the “polaron-bipolaron” model proposed in the literature has attracted the interest of electrochemists. The model assumes that PP can produce a positive charge with a positive charge under certain conditions Polaron (S = 1/2) and bipolaron with two positive charges (S = 0). According to Scott et al.’s ESR study, the dominant charged species responsible for charge transport in conductive PP is bipolaron. Genoud et al. Studied the electrochemical process of PP membrane electrode in organic solution by ESR method at electrochemical site and revealed the interrelationship between spin and charge carriers. It is considered that the role of polaron in the conduction mechanism still needs further research. The electrochemical-ESR behavior of PP membrane electrode in aqueous solution was reported in this paper. The effect of potential and charge on the formation and conversion of polaron in PP membrane was qualitatively investigated. In the presence of electrochemical reaction at PP membrane / solution interface , Investigated the possible charge transport mechanism in PP film.