一辆漂亮的紫红色“宝马”缓缓驶进昆仑大饭店院内,车门打开,一位苗条清秀的高个儿姑娘轻轻走出轿车。她身着浅粉色的连衣裙,面带微笑,慢慢踱入一楼的“阳光走廊”咖啡厅。 这位北京姑娘就是影视圈无人不晓的潘婕。 与潘婕的恳谈是令人惬意的,北京姑娘的最大优点就是见多识广,大气,海阔天空,神侃一通,特痛快。潘婕尤其厉害,她敢说的话我却不敢写。品着罐装无糖可口可乐,沁人心脾;俩人相对而谈,约摸八十厘米,但是,一股幽香飘入鼻孔…… 影视圈无人不晓不等于全中国无人不晓,潘婕的特殊家世无论如何也要再介绍一下。
A beautiful purple “BMW” slowly into the Kunlun Hotel courtyard, the door open, a tall, slim and delicate girl gently out of the car. She was smiling in a light pink dress and slowly paced into the sunshine corridor cafe on the first floor. The Beijing girl is the film and television circle known as Pan Jie. The plea with Pan Jie is a pleasant one. The greatest strength of the Beijing girl is that it is knowledgeable, open-minded, and broad-minded. Pan Jie particularly powerful, she dared to say I dare not write. Product canned sugar Coca-Cola, refreshing; two relative and talk about about 80 cm, however, a fragrance fragrance floated into the nostrils ... ... Everyone knows the film and television industry is not known to all, Pan Jie’s special Family history anyway, but also to introduce.