前言1989年春季,一种细菌性西瓜果斑病(Bacterialfruit rot of watermelon)在美国佛罗里达州一些西瓜田中突然发生,同时,在南卡罗来纳、北卡罗来纳、马里兰、特拉华和印第安纳等州,也陆续发现该病。有些瓜田损失高达西瓜总产量的80%。此后,在阿肯色、爱阿华和俄克拉何马州也相继发现了这种病害,1992年在乔治亚州广泛传播。1989年开始,细菌性西瓜果斑病每年都在美国东部的一个或几个州发生。幸运的是,该病害每年只
Preface In the spring of 1989, a bacterial watermelon fruit spot (Bacterialfruit rot of watermelon) suddenly occurred in some watermelon fields in Florida, USA. Meanwhile, in the states of South Carolina, North Carolina, Maryland, Delaware and Indiana One after another to find the disease. Some melons lose up to 80% of the total watermelon output. Since then, the disease has also been found in Arkansas, Iowa and Oklahoma, spread widely in Georgia in 1992. Beginning in 1989, bacterial watermelon fruit spot disease occurs annually in one or more states in the eastern United States. Fortunately, the disease is only yearly