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报道了一种基于偏芯结构的双芯光纤制作的长周期光纤光栅,研究了在这种双芯光纤中写入相同结构的长周期光纤光栅的模式耦合特性,这种双芯结构能够将两个平行的长周期光纤光栅集成在一根光纤中。通过模拟计算发现在光纤圆周横截面不同方位进行曝光,可获得不同的光栅透射谱,通过利用CO2激光脉冲曝光方法实现其制备,实验得出了采用单侧曝光方法在偏芯结构的双芯光纤上制备长周期光纤光栅的最佳写入方式。通过理论分析和实验的对比,结果表明,双芯长周期光纤光栅透射谱依赖于在双芯光纤圆周上的曝光方向。 A long period fiber grating made of double-core fiber with eccentric structure is reported. The mode coupling characteristics of long-period fiber grating with the same structure written in this double-core fiber are studied. A parallel long-period fiber grating is integrated in one fiber. Through the simulation calculation, it is found that different grating transmission spectra can be obtained by exposing different orientations of the optical fiber cross-section, and the preparation of the grating is achieved by using the CO2 laser pulse exposure method. The experiment results show that the single- On the preparation of long-period fiber grating the best way to write. The theoretical analysis and experimental results show that the transmission spectrum of the double-core long-period fiber grating depends on the exposure direction of the double-core fiber.
如果说去年我们聊起微电影的发展还慷慨激昂前途无量的话,那此刻,微电影这种“快餐艺术形式”已经逐渐流露出了强弩之末的疲态。曾几何时,“微电影”是互联网上最热的关键词之一,随之而来的“小成本”、“草根文化”、“眼球效应”等热门词,不亚于现在的互联网思维和o2o。之后,随着世界经济拐点的到来,恰恰又为这种娱乐至上的“平民文化”的传播制造了肥沃的土壤。  可惜,时移事易。自2013年末开始,微电影的热潮迅