Chaihu Guizhi Tang is a mixture of Bupleurum, Guizhi, peony, ginger, licorice, ginseng, astragalus, pinellia, and jujube. Previous studies have shown that Chaihu Guizhi Decoction has an inhibitory effect on the activity of snail neurons and has antiepileptic effects on acoustically seizure mice. We report here on the local anesthetic effect of Chaihu Guizhi Decoction and its constituent single herbs Bupleurum, Guizhi, Ginseng, Ginger and Licorice. Materials and Methods The composition of Chai Hu Gui Zhi Tang used in this experiment was as follows: Bupleurum chinense 5.0 g, Radix Astragali 3.0 g, Pinellia radiata 5.0 g, peony 6.0 g, cassia twig 2.0 g, jujube 4.0 g, ginseng 3.0 g, and licorice 1.5 g. And ginger 2.0g. Ginger is produced in Taiwan, ginseng comes from North Korea, and the rest comes from China. Experimental extracts were prepared as follows: The above crude drug was placed in 600 ml of water and micro-boiled for 30-40 minutes to obtain about 300 ml of decoction. The decoction was concentrated in vacuo. The resulting powdery extract was dissolved in Rune’s frog solution at concentrations of 1% and 2% and the pH was adjusted to 7.0.