
来源 :旅游纵览(下半月) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zzg770707
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青年旅舍在风靡世界数年,自1999年该品牌落户中国,青年旅舍在青年人自助游的细分市场中逐渐占取优势地位,其自身所拥有的特色构成了在我国发展的核心竞争力,同时在发展过程中,青年旅舍也面临着经济型酒店、加盟店质量参差不齐等问题。本文旨在通过探讨我国青年旅舍的核心竞争力,促使人们对青年旅舍在我国的发展有进一步的了解,增长旅游相关见识。 Youth hostels swept the world for several years, since 1999, the brand settled in China, youth hostels in the self-help segment of young people gradually take the dominant position, its own characteristics constitute the core competitiveness of our development, At the same time in the development process, youth hostels are also faced with economic hotels, franchise stores and other issues of uneven quality. The purpose of this paper is to explore the core competitiveness of our youth hostels and to promote people’s further understanding of the development of youth hostels in our country and to increase tourism-related knowledge.