The Author describes a new species of Ghidinia genus(Coleoptera,Cato-pidae and a new subspecies of Ghidinia morettii Pavan species,collected in somecaves of the Brescia’s province,located in the area included between the Trompia Valleyand the lseo Lake.After the discussion of some chararters and the description of strongvariability,some consideralions of systematic character follow in the light of the obser-vations made in this and some other arlicles.The article finishes with some short noles on the terrinory and the finding biotepestoday known of Ghidiniu genus.
The Author describes a new species of Ghidinia genus (Coleoptera, Cato-pidae and a new subspecies of Ghidinia morettii Pavan species, collected in somecaves of the Brescia’s province, located in the area included between the Trompia Valley and the lseo Lake. After the discussion of some chararters and the description of strongvariability, some consideralions of systematic character follow in the light of the observations made in this and some other arlicles. The article finishes with some short noles on the terrinory and the finding biotependsoday known of Ghidiniu genus.