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唐朝在前代兴修水利的基础上,继续修筑了不少水利工程,对农业、水运的发展都起了重要的作用。本文试从三个方面谈谈唐代的水利建设。(一)唐对水利建设的重视及其采取的主要措施隋王朝是历史上有名的富庶王朝之一,它拥有四千六百多万人口,粮帛储备可供它五、六十年之用。但是,由于以隋炀帝为首的封建统治者大兴土木,大举侵略高丽,徭役无期,干戈不息,终于造成了“尻骸蔽野,血流成河,”“万户则城郭空虚,千里则 On the basis of the previous generation of water conservancy projects, the Tang Dynasty continued to build many water conservancy projects and played an important role in the development of agriculture and water transport. This article tries to talk about the water conservancy construction in Tang Dynasty from three aspects. (A) of the Tang emphasis on water conservancy construction and the main measures taken Sui dynasty is one of the famous dynasty in the history of the rich, it has more than 46 million population, grain and silk reserve for five or six decades . However, as the feudal rulers headed by the Emperor Sui Xuan greatly expanded their civilians and aggressively invaded Korea, the government never cease to work in an endless battle and finally continue to cause ”blood and natural disasters." then
摘要:本文从引导学生主动参与、营造课堂轻松氛围和设计贴近生活话题三方面入手,探讨了提高初中英语课堂教学效率的途径。  关键词:英语教学;课堂效率;途径  中图分类号:G427文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2013)12-073-1  课堂教学是实施素质教育的主阵地。如何优化课堂教学,让有限的课堂教学时间焕发出无限的生命活力,使学生真正成为学习的主体是我们教育工作者不懈追求的目标。在