最近,许多读者给我们打电话或者发邮件,说在安装Windows XP SP1的时候遇到了许多困难(编者按:很多时候是因为使用盗版Windows XP而发生的问题),问我们是否一定要安装SP1。我们给的建议当然是尽可能安装,因为微软以后发布的任何关于Windows XP的补丁,新功能都是建立在SP1的基础上的,这就意味着,如果你现在没有安装SP1的话,以后任何关于Windows XP的Update都无法完成。 这确实是一件令人很沮丧的事情,微软似乎在“逼”着我们升级到SP1,但是,和已经进入测试阶段的Office 11相
Recently, many readers called or emailed us that they encountered many difficulties installing Windows XP SP1 (Editor’s note: often because of problems with pirated Windows XP) and asked if we had to install SP1. The advice we give is, of course, as easy to install as any future release of Microsoft’s patches for Windows XP based on SP1, which means that if you do not have SP1 installed yet, Windows XP Update can not be completed. This is indeed a very frustrating thing, Microsoft seems to “force” us to upgrade to SP1, however, and have entered the test phase of Office 11 phase