Possible existence of triaxial superdeformation in ~(172,174,176)W

来源 :中国物理C | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wucaixia303
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Two-dimensional total routhian surface (TRS) calculations are carried out to determine the triaxial superdeformation (TSD) of the even-even nucleus 174W, and the result indicates that TSD state exists with deformation parameters ε2=0.42 and γ=34.7°. In the same way, the total routhian surfaces for the nuclei 172,176W are also calculated. It shows that the neutron shell correction energy plays a key role in the formation of TSD nuclei 172,174,176W, while the high j intruder orbitals and rotational energy are also crucial in the formation mechanism. Two-dimensional total routhian surface (TRS) calculations are carried out to determine the triaxial superdeformation (TSD) of the even-even nucleus 174W, and the result indicates that TSD state exists with deformation parameters ε2 = 0.42 and γ = 34.7 °. In the same way, the total routhian surfaces for the nuclei 172,176W are also calculated. It shows that the neutron shell correction energy plays a key role in the formation of TSD nuclei 172,174,176W, while the high j intruder orbitals and rotational energy are also crucial in the formation mechanism.
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