展开想象翅膀 交给创新钥匙——创新想象习作多样化训练方法

来源 :课程教材教学研究(小教研究) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangqi789
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《语文课程标准》要求习作“要能不拘形式地写下自己的见闻、感受和想象”,到高年级时“能写简单的记实作文和想象作文”。在“教学建议”中指出:“要让学生展开想象和幻想,鼓励写想象中的事物”。如何才能让学生神思飞动、文潮奔涌,写出富有想象力的习作呢?在教学实践中? The Chinese Curriculum Standard requires that exercises be “capable of informally writing down their own knowledge, feelings, and imagination” and that “high-grade students” can write simple biographical and imaginative compositions. “ In the ”Teaching Suggestions“, he pointed out: ”Let students develop their imagination and illusion, and encourage the writing of imaginary things." How to make students fly their minds, ups and downs of the ebb, write imaginative work it? In teaching practice?
如何识别钞票的真假?对于一些经验老到者来说,屡试不爽的就一招,那就是“摸”。当你对各式各样的验钞机越来越不信任,当你身处一些灯光昏暗场所,这时要辨别一张钞票是真是假,更多的就只能依靠手指了,比较流行的动作无非就是“摸一摸”或者“抖一抖”。这种识别方法的基础,在于制造钞票的特殊材质。  一张崭新的真钞票拿在手里,轻轻一弹,就会发出脆脆的声音。这声音很特别,甚至让人感觉到一种精神。但如果是普通的纸张或