动脉硬化(arterio sclerosis)是指动脉管壁的增厚、变硬,弹性减弱。病理学上一般分3种类型:.①动脉中层钙化(Medial calcification),这是一种以肌型动脉中层有钙盐沉着为特征的原因不明的动脉硬化,一般不引起管腔狭窄或闭塞,多见于老年人,临床意义小。②动脉硬化,主要见于高血压病,指细小动脉而言。③动脉粥样硬化(atherosclerosis)。
Arteriosclerosis (arterio sclerosis) refers to the arterial wall thickening, hardening, elasticity weakened. Pathology generally divided into three types:. ① Arterial calcification (Medial calcification), which is a type of carotid artery in the middle with calcified salt deposits of unknown causes of atherosclerosis, generally does not cause lumen stenosis or occlusion, More common in the elderly, clinical significance. ② atherosclerosis, mainly seen in hypertension, refers to the small arteries. ③ atherosclerosis (atherosclerosis).