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我们要培养什么样的新闻干部呢?要说明这个问题,必须从报纸的任务说起。报纸是阶级斗争的工具,它是党向人民群众进行阶级教育的武器,进行社会主义教育的武器,进行爱国主义和国际主义教育的武器。报纸是舆论的工具,它要向人民群众阐明时局的动向,阐明国际国内形势的变化发展,阐明党对时局采取什么样的方针政策。报纸是“教科书”,它是供给读者知 What kind of news cadres should we train? To illustrate this issue, we must start with the tasks of the newspaper. Newspaper is a tool for class struggle. It is a weapon used by the Party to carry out class education to the masses of people, a weapon to carry out socialist education, and a patriotic and internationalist education. The newspaper is a tool of public opinion. It should clarify the trends of the current situation to the people, clarify the changes and developments in the international and domestic situations, and clarify what kind of guidelines and policies the party adopts regarding the current situation. The newspaper is a “textbook,” which is intended for the reader
该研究以寒富×扎矮76杂交后代为材料,采用BSA法,应用RAPD和AFLP技术筛选与苹 果属显性矮生主基因Dw连锁的分子标记.主要结果如下:1.通过对RAPD反应体系的优化,确定了RAPD反
枇杷(Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.)是蔷薇科苹果亚科枇杷属亚热带常绿果树,原产于中国。近年来,广东省开始发展枇杷。然而,在生产中出现了果实偏小、锈斑、皱皮和采前落果等问题