预防疾病最有效的办法是将疾病消灭在萌芽状态,尤其是中老年人,对于一些症状更要引起警觉,切不可忽视身体上出现的一些微小变化,实际上,这些微小变化常是一些大病的征兆。常见的有以下7种,在此向大家做一些简单的介绍。 1 低热。每天晚上出现低热,但从不超过38度,到第二天早晨即退热。低热表明体内有一定的感染病灶。可能有慢性消耗性疾病,如肺结核、心肌炎,也可能是心脏瓣膜受到细菌感染。这种感染若不及时治疗,瓣膜会渐渐出现纤维化、硬化,往往不得不进行替换瓣膜的心脏手术。另外,低热的征兆还可能是消化道疾病的信号。
The most effective way to prevent the disease is to eliminate the disease in the bud, especially in the middle-aged and elderly. Some symptoms should be more vigilant. You can not ignore some minor changes in the body. In fact, these small changes are often serious sign. The following are the common seven, in this to do some simple introduction. 1 low heat. Low heat every night, but never more than 38 degrees, to the next morning that fever. Low fever shows that there is a certain infection in the body lesions. May have chronic wasting disease, such as tuberculosis, myocarditis, heart valves may also be subject to bacterial infection. If this infection is not treated in time, the valve will gradually appear fibrosis, sclerosis, often have to replace the heart valve surgery. In addition, signs of low fever may also be a sign of gastrointestinal disease.