记者近日在西北一些地区和西行的列车上看到,过去“一窝蜂”南涌的民工潮,如今开始向陕、甘、宁、青、新及川、藏分流。据了解,家住大别山区的刘萍夫妇,春节还没过完,就带上刚满5岁的孩子,前往西安南郊的一家汽车修理厂打工。在他们乘坐的列车上,挤满了西去的打工者。一位姓瞿的专门制作麻辣花生的打工者虽没买到座票,却仍挤上了火车,他告诉记者,在定远老家,村里有三四十人准备去成都或兰州做麻辣花生的生意。 “哪里有钱赚就往哪儿去。”在兰州市,记者遇到从山东来的青年宋照军,他说国家实施西部大开发,给西部带来了希望,也给打工者带来了机会,往年他去的是深圳,今年要到西北闯一闯。
Recently, reporters have seen on trains in some areas in the northwest and on the westbound trains that in the past migrant workers in Nanhui now began to divert traffic to Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia, Qinghai, Xinjiang, Sichuan and Tibet. It is understood that Liu Ping, who lives in the Dabie Mountains couple, the Spring Festival is not over, it took just 5-year-old child to the southern suburbs of Xi'an, a car repair shop to work. On their train ride, packed with migrant workers west. Qu, a surnamed Qu specializing in the production of spicy peanuts migrant workers did not buy tickets, but still crowded into the train, he told reporters that Dingyuan home, the village has thirty or forty people ready to Chengdu or Lanzhou do spicy peanuts business. "In Lanzhou City, the reporter met Song Zhaojun, a young man from Shandong. He said that the state's implementation of western development has brought hope to the west and brought opportunities to migrant workers In previous years, he went to Shenzhen, this year to break into the northwest Chuang.