
来源 :江苏农学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:PresentScore
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1992年我院有22项科技成果获各级科技进步奖,其中9项获部(省)级科技进步奖。莫惠栋教授主持的农业部“七五”重点项目“谷类作物品质性状遗传研究”成果获国家教委科技进步奖(甲类)一等奖。谷类作物的胚乳为三倍体(3N),但是由于遗传上的复杂性,数量遗传学上还没有建立起3N性状的遗传模式。长期以来,人们对于胚乳性状的研究都错误地套用2N的遗传模式进行,因此研究结果误差较大,甚至不可能获得正确的结果。我院莫惠栋教授通过长期深入系统地研 In 1992, 22 scientific and technological achievements of our hospital were awarded the scientific and technological progress awards at all levels, of which 9 won the ministry (provincial) scientific and technological progress award. Professor Mo Huidong chaired the Ministry of Agriculture, “Seventh Five-Year” key project “cereal quality traits genetic research” by the State Education Commission, Science and Technology Progress Award (Class A) first prize. The endosperm of cereal crops is triploid (3N), but due to the genetic complexity, there is no genetic model of the 3N trait in quantitative genetics. For a long time, people’s research on endosperm traits has been incorrectly applied to 2N genetic model, so the results of the error is large, and even impossible to obtain the correct results. Professor Mo Huidong in our hospital through systematic and long-term research
我国首例饲粮兼用型玉米杂交种“辽原一号”,历经8年,最近由辽宁省农业科学院陈庆华研究员等人选育成功。“辽原一号”具有青饲料产量高(5000公斤/亩)、籽 The first case