2008年4月2日,位于建新大道的“中庚城”营销中心内,一片人头攒动。足足期待了一年之久的2008金山地标性大盘“中庚城”终于和购房心切的福州市民见面了。布置奢华的营销中心,着装得体笑容可掬的销售人员,争先恐后购卡选房的市民,使我们再一次感受到经历风雨洗礼后的福州楼市,在四月暖春里的火热温度。此次开放的20000平方米“实景体验区”是“中庚城”以未来交付标准而打造,还原未来生活真实情境,其品质魅力赢得市民好评如潮。十年中庚,礼献一座城。“中庚城”在入市之初便以“造城”气势深入人心。社区规划了28幢16-40层 ART DECO 经典风格建筑群,最高层高超过120米,俯瞰两江,勾勒金山板块完美天际线。300亩的磅礴开发体量,堪称2008年金山板块的地标之王。
April 2, 2008, located in the new Avenue of the “Middle Gengcheng ” marketing center, a crowded. Looking forward to a year full of 2008 landmark Jinshan market “in the city of Geng ” and finally buy Fuzhou citizens met. Luxury marketing center layout, dress appropriately decent smile salespeople, scrambling to buy the card of the public, so that once again we feel the storm after the baptism of the property market in Fuzhou, in April the hot temperature in the hot spring. The opening of 20,000 square meters “real experience zone ” is “GEG City ” to the future delivery standards and create, restore the real life of the future situation, its quality charm won the public rave reviews. Ten years G, Li Xian a city. “City of Geng ” at the beginning of the market to “Create City ” momentum enjoys popular support. Community planning 28 16-40 floor ART DECO classic style buildings, the highest level more than 120 meters, overlooking the two rivers, outline the perfect skyline Jinshan plate. 300 acres of pounds 礴 development of the body weight, called the 2008 Kingsoft plate landmark king.