
来源 :军事经济研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangjuekenan
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洋洋万余字,分为六部分:第一部分,通过回顾我军多次精兵简政的历史,认为中央军委提出的注重质量建设,走有中国特色的精兵之路的指导方针,不仅是对我们党传统方针的继承,而且是在新形势下的重大发展。这一方针深刻揭示了我军现代化建设的根本规律,指明了我军发展的必由之路。第二部分提出,中央军委的指导方针包含着关于质与量辩证关系的原理。把这一真理与具体事物的发展结合起来,并能作出科学的说明,则是需要费一番苦功夫的,因而这是一个常谈常新的真理。第三部分指出,深刻理解中央军委的方针需要有一个在实践中反复加深理解的过程。第四部分,深刻分析了军队各种量之间的制约和协调。第五部分,揭示了军队内部量的变化对质的影响的几种情形。第六部分,通过分析军队内部质量关系的客观性,指出充分发挥正确的自觉能动性在加速我军质量建设中具有重要的意义。 In the first part, by reviewing the history of many times the ranks of our troops have been streamlined, we think that the guideline set by the Central Military Commission in focusing on quality construction and walking along with elites with Chinese characteristics is not only a guideline to our party’s tradition Policy inheritance, but also under the new situation of major development. This principle has profoundly revealed the fundamental law of our army’s modernization and pointed out the only way for the development of our military. The second part proposes that the guidelines of the Central Military Commission contain the principle of the dialectical relationship between quantity and quantity. To combine this truth with the development of specific things and to make a scientific explanation requires a lot of hard work and this is therefore a common truth. The third part states that a profound understanding of the guidelines of the Central Military Commission requires a process of deepening understanding in practice. The fourth part analyzes profoundly the restraint and coordination among various military forces. The fifth part reveals several cases of the impact of changes in the internal volume of the army on the quality. In the sixth part, by analyzing the objectivity of the internal quality relations in the military, it is pointed out that giving full play to the correct initiative is of great significance in accelerating the quality of our army.
经本次会议学术委员会讨论通过,组织委员会研究决定,评选出三等奖二名,三等奖十名,应吉庆等十三位代表获得本次会议的奖励,现予以公告。请获得奖励的专家学者再接再 After d
陈广相在《我军渡江后为什么没有立即解放上海》一文中谈到,解放军渡江后没有立即解放上海,是因为中央军委曾有和平解放上海的设想。 1949年4月27日,当渡江大军向南追歼逃敌