新国际象棋世界冠军叫卡斯巴洛夫,十三岁时就荣获全苏少年冠军; 新国际象棋世界冠军十五岁就参加了全苏成人锦标赛,十六岁就在国际赛中获奖牌; 新国际象棋世界冠军,在他之前,还从没有一人象他那样迅速地登上棋坛顶峰; 新国际象棋世界冠军,向旧国际象棋世界冠军挑战了.这不单是棋艺的挑战,也不单是意志品格的挑战,还是向传统世俗的挑战.对于政治他有着自己的鲜明观点,决不肯屈从千人!
The new chess world champion, Kasparov, won the All-Soy Junior Champion at the age of thirteen; the new Chess World Champion took part in the All-Su Adult Championship at the age of 15, won the medal at the age of 16 at the International Championship; No newer chess world champion than he has ever been as fast as he climbed to the top of the chessboard; the new chess world champion challenged the old chess world champion, not only as a chess challenge, nor as a The challenge of will and character, or the challenge of the traditional secularity, he has his own distinct view of politics and he will never yield to anything else!