【摘 要】
The heterogeneous integration of silicon thin film and lithium niobate (LN) thin film combines both the advantages of the excellent electronics properties and mature micro-processing technology of Si and the excellent optical properties of LN, comprising
【机 构】
【出 处】
The heterogeneous integration of silicon thin film and lithium niobate (LN) thin film combines both the advantages of the excellent electronics properties and mature micro-processing technology of Si and the excellent optical properties of LN, comprising a potentially promising material platform for photonic integrated circuits. Based on ion-implantation and wafer-bonding technologies, a 3 inch wafer-scale hybrid mono-crystalline Si/LN thin film was fabricated. A high-resolution transmission electron microscope was used to investigate the crystal-lattice arrangement of each layer and the interfaces. Only the H-atom-concentration distribution was investigated using secondary-ion mass spectroscopy. High-resolution X-ray-diffraction scanning was used to study the lattice properties of the Si/LN thin films. Raman measurements were performed to investigate the bulk Si and the Si thin films. Si strip-loaded straight waveguides were fabricated, and the optical propagation loss of a 5-μm-width waveguide was 6 dB/cm for the quasi-TE mode at 1550 nm. The characterization results provide useful information regarding this hybrid material.
本文提出了包含主激光器注入光频率与受迫激光器纵模频率之间失谐影响的新的速率方程模型,并给出了数值解. 注入功率、注入波长和频率先谐等因素对短脉冲注入锁定染料激光器的影响也进行了讨论.
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Integrating lithium niobate (LN) modulators with other functions on a single optical chip has proven difficult, until the development of thin film LN, which has enabled the development of silicon integrated photonic chips including LN modulators that can
美国国家航空和航天局在阿伯丁试验场的试验中,在核泵浦激光器获得了一千瓦的输出后,已停止了该激光器的工作。据该计划的负责人伦道夫(L. P. Randoeph)说,用脉冲反应堆所做的试验表明,核泵浦有很大的潜力。但下一步的研究计划需有特殊的反应堆,该局目前却无能为力。为了避开预算上的限制,在马歇尔空间飞行中心进行激光推进试验中,该局使用了陆军的一台多余的高能激光器,它是70年代中期装在坦克上的陆军机动试验装置中的试验系统。
This work reports a demonstration of electrically injected GaN-based near-ultraviolet microdisk laser diodes with a lasing wavelength of 386.3?nm at room temperature. The crack-free laser structure was epitaxially grown on Si substrates using an Al-compos
通过进行工艺参数(激光功率、扫描速度和送粉速率)可控的单道激光熔覆实验,观察了沉积轨迹横截面形貌的变化;提出了单一参数(δ参数,δ=wtan β/2h)控制的横截面形貌曲线方程。根据横截面几何特征参数:沉积轨迹宽度w、高度h、面积F和沉积角β的测量数据,用回归处理方法,给出了δ参数与横截面名义面积Fm(Fm=wh)之间的函数关系,得到了横截面形貌随Fm的变化规律;同时用F和β的测量数据验证了横截面形貌曲线方程。