假使恋爱是人生的必需,那么,友谊只能算是一种奢侈;所以,上帝垂怜阿大(Adam)的孤寂,只为他造了夏娃,并未另造个阿二。我们常把火焰来比恋爱,这个比喻有我们意想不到的贴切。恋爱跟火同样的贪滥,同样的会蔓延,同样的残忍,消灭了坚牢结实的原料,把灰烬去换光明和热烈。像拜伦,像哥德,像缪塞,野火似的卷过了人生一世,一个个白色的,栗色的,棕色的情妇(Une blonde,Chataigne ou brune mati tresse缪塞的妙句)的血淋淋的红心,白心,黄心(孙行者的
If love is a necessity in life, then friendship can only be regarded as a luxury; therefore, God loves the loneliness of Adam and creates Eve for him only, without creating another. We often love the flame than love, this metaphor has us unexpected. The same abuse of love as fire, the same will spread, the same cruel, eliminating the fast and solid raw materials, the ashes for bright and warm. Like Byron, like Gothic, like Mousse, wildfires over the bloody days of life, white, maroon, brown mistresses (Une blonde, the poem of Chataigne ou brune mati tresse) Heart, white heart, yellow heart (Sunwalker’s