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  I. 阅读理解
  In November 2019, Luke Summerscales and Jessica Jacobs were in a remote mountain range of New South Wales, fighting some of the worst bushfires on record in Australia, when another disaster struck: a fellow firefighter collapsed from a heart attack. The nearest ambulance was more than an hour away and the terrain(地形) was too steep for a rescue heli?copter to land, so the pair started doing CPR on 53?year?old John Kennedy until he was able to breathe on his own.
  In November 2020, the Country Fire Authority recognized their actions by giving them both Chief Officer Commendation awards. But theyre volunteers. Summerscales builds houses for a living; Jacobs works as a university lab technician. Starting in late 2019, as record fires spread fast across their nation during its summer season, they joined tens of thousands of Australians who set aside their usual lives to help stop the spread of the fires.
  As climate change heightens both the frequency and intensity(強度) of bushfires, firefighters are being tested to new extremes. Australia unusually relies on volunteer labor in the state of New South Wales, which suffered some of the countrys most severe fires during the 2019?2020 bushfire season. Close to 90% of the men and women fighting fires were volunteers. Its been this way for more than a century in Australia, with ordinary citizens working together to protect the land.
  2019 was Australias hottest and driest on record, and the resulting fires all but exhausted the men and women constantly called to battle them. Peter Holding, 66, who has been a volunteer firefighter for 43 years, says hes never seen anything as severe as last summers bushfire season. Still, as Australias fire season intensified in late 2020, its volunteer firefighters were preparing to do battle again.
  1. What can we know from paragraph 1?
  A. Australia keeps a world record of the worst bushfire.
  B. Kennedy has been a volunteer firefighter for a long time.
  C. Australia cant provide search and rescue service for remote areas.
  D. Summerscales and Jacobs knew how to perform first aid.
  2. What can we infer about Summerscales and Jacobs?
  A. They used to work in a hospital.
  B. They once suffered a heart attack.
  C. They are not professional firefighters.
  D. They dont deserve to get the award.
  3. What does the underlined phrase “this way” in paragraph 3 refer to?
  A. Volunteers are the main force in fighting fires in New South Wales.   B. Ordinary citizens are unwilling to be professional firefighters.
  C. New South Wales always suffers the most severe bushfire.
  D. Firefighters in New South Wales bear great pressure in summer.
  4. What is the text mainly about?
  A. Australias forest fires.
  B. Fire management in Australia.
  C. Australias volunteer firefighters.
  D. The climate change in Australia.
  Ⅱ. 完形填空
  Today on the news I saw a woman with no legs trying to become an Olympic swimmer. It made me think of when my father first got in a
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SGH-E428  作为一款面向中低端年轻时尚女性推出的机型,三星SGH-E428充分考虑了目标消费群体极为感性的手机选择习惯,在手机外观上下足了功夫。E428的机身色彩如少女的纯洁的心境一般,采用了纯净的白色。在纯白的底色上,E428又如诺基亚(NOKIA)倾慕系列那样,在脂玉般的手机外壳上蚀刻了雅致的花纹。在机身的侧面,我们还可见E42.8用淡淡的紫色为自己勾勒出的轻薄机身。而在翻开手机之后,
50歲的尼日利亚女子Shade Ajayi终圆上学梦。如今,她正和比她年轻近40岁的学生一起学习阅读和写作。  Until recently, Shade Ajayi had never gone to school. Now 50, the businesswoman is learning to read and write alongside students nearly 40 years
甲和乙一起做家庭作业。  “呼——”甲长叹了一口气,“啪嗒”一声盖上了笔帽,“我发现政治书上有句话,问题非常严重。”  乙低头应道:“哦。”  甲口若悬河:“你听我说。这句话说‘把笑脸锁在教室里,把歌声封在作业里……’这是我们初中生活的真实写照对不?后来这句又说‘这不是青春’,真是天大的笑话,这不是青春,哪个还有青春?”  乙一边继续写,一边含混不清地“哦”着。  甲见乙依然埋头写着,不耐烦了:“
我怕黑。  怕孤单。  怕一切变动的东西。  二十五岁之前,我从来没有单独出过远门,一直生活在安逸的小镇,十分钟能把超市、银行和邮局全部转完。  我是名副其实的胆小鬼。  但是内心总有一个声音在呐喊,就这样在小镇上终老,像条死鱼一样,连扑腾都不扑腾一下,真的好吗?  那时候我不确定答案,所以纠结了又纠结后,第一次出了趟远门。  内心的挣扎就不提了,走之前,我是掉了眼泪的,每一个熟悉的建筑,每一个熟
这里的人文景观,不仅洋溢着江南水乡特有的柔和秀美,而且熔铸着博采众长、开放吸收的海纳百川情结,犹如一幅海派水乡的古镇风情画卷。  朱家角镇历史悠久,是4000 年前良渚文化的重要组成部分,早在1700 多年前的三国时期就有村落,宋元时名为朱家村,明万历年间建镇,名为珠街阁(又称珠溪),清嘉庆年后,俗称珠里、角里、朱家角。这里的人文景观,不仅洋溢着江南水乡特有的柔和秀美,而且熔铸着博采众长、开放吸收
收藏是有缘分的,收藏瓷器更是一见钟情。我初涉古玩时,对清代瓷器的多样性和瓷壶彩绘题材的广泛性格外有兴趣,还有千姿百态的造型。既生动,又实用,每每产生收藏的冲动。我收的第一把瓷壶就是清代瓷壶。多年下来,现已有一批清代多个时期的瓷壶。于是,有了一些心得,有了一些感悟。在此与读者分享。  現在,我国民间存世最多的古瓷壶,大约是清代同治、光绪、宣统年间至民国这几个时期。此时的瓷壶经过艺术家独具匠心的创造,
本期客座总编辑:  汤敏,著名经济学家、国务院参事,先后任亚洲开发银行经济发展研究中心经济学家,亚洲开发银行驻中国代表处副代表兼首席经济学家,中国经济50人论坛专家成员。  朱敏:对三中全会后的新一轮改革,你怎么看?  汤敏:从我个人来讲,三中全会其实超出我的期望。看了三中全会的决定以后,这些改革措施超出我的预期。我们期望三中全会完了以后怎么样进一步的推动,因为三中全会的决定是很抽象的,它不可能在
近期,党的第十八届三中全会通过了《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》(以下简称《决定》),其中司法改革是这次全面深化改革的重点之一。这些年来,群众对司法不公的意见比较集中,而司法公信力不足很大程度上与司法体制和工作机制不合理有关。《决定》对中国的司法改革提出了更加明确的目标与要求,“确保依法独立行使审判权、检察权”成为民众关注的焦点。  近年来,上海市检察机关认真贯彻落实中央、中央政法委