In this study, Eberhart and Russell model (1966) were used to analyze the genotype × environment interaction and stability of stem-growth and dry-matter yield in five different rubbery environments in seven rubber clones in São Paulo, Brazil. Stem circumference growth and dry glue production were measured in 10 and 4 years respectively. The results showed that year × location and location were the main source of variation for genotype × environment interaction. The results of stability analysis showed that GT1 and IAN873 were the clones with the highest stability of stem-growth and dry glue respectively, and the regression coefficients were close to 1 (β = 1), and both had the lowest mean square regression (S2d) i . Not only that, the determination coefficient (R2) of the two is as high as 89.5% and 89.8% respectively, which also confirms the very high stability. In contrast, the clonal growth of the clones PB235, PB261 and RRIM701 and the regression coefficient β of GT1 on the dry glue yield were all significantly greater than 1, so the clones were susceptible to environmental changes influences.