Eating Colors David Sykes的乱真美食艺术

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  导语: “对于一个创意我倾向于先与它保持距离,然后退回来用全新的眼光去审视。 在最开始的阶段,你可能会深陷在所操作的项目里,这时要用心审视你创作它的理由;而暂时从作品里抽离出来,你将会获得观察它的全新视角。”-摄影艺术家 David Sykes如是说 。
  1.ZEST:是什么样的机缘让你开始专注于摄影创作的 ?
  David Sykes:我所有的创作动机都来自于出现在生活里的物品或是场景,当它们触动了我的内心,我就会开始思索如何把它们创作成有趣的图像。我有一个随身携带的灵感本子,这样随时迸发出来的创意或是草图都会确保被“纪录在案”。
  > ZEST: Where is your beginning ofthese fantastic photographic art.
  David Sykes: Most of my ideas come from looking a things around me I see an interesting object or scene and i then think how i could make an interesting picture from it.I have an ideas book i carry around with me and make sure i write the idea down or do a little sketch.
  > 2. ZEST:说说你的创作主题?
  David Sykes:我喜欢在作品里埋些有趣或独特的小故事当作主题,当然脑筋急转弯和幽默元素也是我喜欢的。
  > ZEST:Please talk aboutthe central theme of your work?
   David Sykes I like to have a bit of a story or theme behind my work it always has to be interesting and unique. I also like to have a twist or bit of humour in my work.
  3. ZEST: 一般来说你如何完成你的作品?有哪些有趣体验可以分享的?
  David Sykes :对于一个创意我倾向于先与它保持距离,然后退回来用全新的眼光去审视。如果它禁得起考验,我会与造型师进一步沟通看如何把创意实施出来,以及初步构想将要用到的道具。我把所有的测试拍成5x4的底片,这是一个放慢脚步的好方法,就像你可以用放大镜回头看清未完成作品的所有细节。如果我对某次拍摄很满意,就会扫描底片、调整颜色以及修饰其他细部,之后我会再次把已完成的部分暂时搁置。我觉得在最开始的阶段,你可能会深陷在所操作的项目里,这时要用心审视你创作它的理由;而暂时从作品里抽离出来,你将会获得观察它的全新视角。
  > ZEST:Generally, how do you complete your work(from idea to finished) ? Is there any interesting experience to share?
  David Sykes: I tend to have an idea and then leave it for a bit and then come back to it and look at it with fresh eye's if i think it still works I will then talk to the stylist i work with and we discuss how to make the idea work and where we can get the props to build it. I shoot all my test on 5x4 transparency as I think it is still a great way to work slows things down and makes you look at what your doing in more detail. Once I'm happy with the shot I'll get the transparency scanned and adjust any colours and clean anything that needs it up. Once I'm happy with it i tend to leave it a few days and come back to it. I feel that in the beginning stages you can get to close to a project and loose track of why your doing it so not looking at it for a while gives you a sense of perspective.
  > 4. ZEST: 你完成作品的过程中最关键的是什么?
  > David Sykes:创意,以及创作的时间。
  ZEST:What's the most important thing when you creating ?
   David Sykes:Ideas and time to create.
  5. ZEST: 想像与创新对你来说意味着什么 ?你觉得它们如何影响我们的生活?
  > David Sykes:想创作出有趣的作品,你必须具备想像力;想引起注意,你必须具备创新能力。我觉得这两者对我们的生活都有巨大的影响,想像力帮助我们从规则的生活里跳脱出来、获得放松,并引发创新,而我们恰恰需要它来不断推动生活的发展和前行。
  > ZEST:what does imagination and innovation mean to you and how does it affect our life in your mind?
  David Sykes:You have to have imagination to create interesting work and you also have to innovate to get noticed.I think both have a big effect in our lives imagination to help us escape and relax and that leads to innovation and we need constant innovation to move things forward.
  6. ZEST: 对你来说什么是好的摄影作品 ?
  > David Sykes:有好的创意、执行,给人好的视觉感受。
  > ZEST:What is good photographic work?
   David Sykes:Something that has a good original idea and is executed well and looks beautiful.
  David Sykes: Irvine Penn, Richard Avedon, Guy Bourdin, Dieter Rams, Banksy, Damien Hurst, Edward Hopper, Nick Knight, Anish Kapoor
  > ZEST:Give us some names of the artist you like.
  > David Sykes: Irvine Penn, Richard Avedon, Guy Bourdin, Dieter Rams, Banksy, Damien Hurst, Edward Hopper, Nick Knight, Anish Kapoor
  > 8.ZEST: 下一步的打算是?
  David Sykes:目前我在为一本书拍摄更多照片,同时我在为转战荧幕做准备。
  > ZEST:What is your next step?
   David Sykes:More photography I'm working on a book at the moment and also starting to venture into moving image.
  theprints are available to buy from thewebsite
  David's talent for photography was nurtured whilst studying Graphic Design at college. Upon completion of a photography degree in Kent, David moved to London to assist the successful advertising photographer David Stewart. A year later, David went on to win the AOP Still Life Assistant Award (1998). From then on, despite full-time assisting on shoots around the world, David was in demand, and receiving a number of his own commissions. In 2001 he decided to go it alone, and he was subsequently featured once again in the AOP Awards with his Pig series in 2001 and his Faux food series in 2010. Other awards include featuring in four D & AD awards being include in the 2009 campaign photo awards and in the creative review photography awards 4 times. He has been a busy, successful advertising photographer ever since, notching up an impressive client list including Visa, Persil, Lurpak, Heinz, Hellmann’s, BT, American Express, Starbucks, Honda andMonocle Magazine.
  Shooting still life photography, David's style is hallmarked by a breadth of characteristics. On the one hand, his work can be a graphically composed object piece or, on the other hand, a unique ideas based photograph. Whatever the subject matter, his work is beautifully lit and engaging to the viewer, revealing the interesting in the ordinary and the life in the still.
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1。 Zest:以前遇到过雷人的服务员么?印象最深刻的服务是什么样的?  倪虹洁:我只对服务态度好的印象深刻,有时候去餐厅会觉得很尴尬,就算装潢豪华 ,服务员却比食客多。他们应该都是受过严格培训了,不过好像就是不明白食客的心理需求,老挂着一副时刻准备冲锋陷阵的摸样要为你换骨碟,就让人很紧张,好像自己的吃相被随时关注,特别是当演员的感觉就更明显了。我觉得做哪一行都要用心,怎么才是一个相对合适的距离还
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