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吃饭有学问?这里的吃饭不是指那种宴请吃喝,而是平常的吃饭,其中蕴藏着大学问。曾国藩的学生李鸿章,年轻时喜欢睡懒觉,这在曾国藩看来是孺子不可教也。曾国藩为了改变他,便立下一条规矩,他要和身边的幕僚一起同时吃饭。而曾国藩有早起的习惯,有一天,曾国藩一帮人都坐在桌旁准备开餐了,一看,李鸿章没有来,于是打发人去叫他。这一天早上,李鸿章实在想睡一个懒觉,他便跟那人说,你去告诉大帅,我今天生病了,就不吃早饭了。 Eat is learned? This is not the kind of dinner to eat, drink, but the usual meal, which contains the university asked. Li Hung-chang, a student of Tseng Kuo-fan, likes to sleep late in his youth. In order to change him, Zeng Guofan set forth a rule that he should eat at the same time with his aides. Zeng Guofan got up early habits, one day, a group of people Zeng Guofan are sitting at the table ready to eat, and saw Li did not come, so sent to call him. This morning, Li Hung-chang really wanted to sleep a lazy, he told the man, you go to tell Marshal, I am sick today, do not eat breakfast.