威廉·艾尔索普(Will Alsop)皇家美术学院院士,荣获大英帝国勋章,英国建筑大师。亚洲最佳城市景观奖(最佳水滨开发)城市景观建筑评审奖这是艾尔索普在亚洲的第一个重要项目,项目内容是对新加坡克拉码头的滨水区域进行彻底重建。项目完成后,已经成功地将大批游客和当地居民重新吸引到这一历史性的滨水区域。这一耗资8800万新加坡币(约合3060万英镑)的项目由凯德置地公司进行投资。艾尔索普为项目所
William Alsop (Will Alsop) Royal Academy of Fine Arts, won the British Empire Medal, the British architect. Asia’s Best Urban Landscape Award (Best Waterfront Development) Urban Landscape Architecture Awards This is Alsop’s first major project in Asia to rebuild the waterfront in Clarke Quay, Singapore. Upon completion, the project has succeeded in re-attracting a large number of tourists and locals to this historic waterfront. The 88 million Singapore dollar (£ 30.6 million) project was invested by CapitaLand. Aersuopu for the project