铁の少年事件簿 李铁连载(二)

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运动会小英雄的足球之路李铁就读的小学是沈阳善邻路二小,在学校里他有了很多交情不错的小伙伴,还学到了很多从前不知道的知识,在这个全新的世界里铁子的每一天都过得很快乐。据李妈妈回忆:铁子从来没有找借口、撒娇不去上学的时候,他天天都是自己背着小书包早早地去学校和小伙伴们玩,上课时也很专心很用功。由于妈妈的家教很严格,铁子和哥哥一放学回到家第一件事就是做功课,铁子有不会的问题的时候哥哥或妈妈都会给他讲解,所以铁子的学习成绩也一直都是很不错的,班主任老师也很喜欢他。在开家长会的时候铁子的班主任老师不止一次拿着铁子的成绩单对李妈妈说:“李铁将来肯定是上大学的好材料。”听了老师的话,李妈妈也就在李铁身上寄托了把儿子培养成大学生的心愿。但是之后发生的一件事在很大程度上改变了李铁的一生,那就是 Games Little Hero Soccer Road Li Tie primary school is Shenyang Good Neighbor Road two small, in school he has a lot of friendship and good friends, also learned a lot of previously unknown knowledge, in this new world of iron Every son of the day had a very happy day. According to Lee’s mother memories: Tiezi never make excuses, spoiled not go to school, every day he is carrying a small bag early to go to school and his friends to play, the class is also very attentive hard. Because tutor is very strict mother, iron child and brother returned home after school the first thing is to do homework, iron child will not be the problem brother or mother will explain to him, so the academic performance of the iron has always been Very good, class teacher also like him very much. At the time of the parents’ meeting, the teacher of the teacher of the iron child said to his mother Lee more than once with the transcript of Tiezi: “Li Tie will surely be a good material to go to college in the future.” Listening to the teacher, Li Tie who pinned their son’s desire to develop into a college student. But one thing that happened after that greatly changed Li Tie’s life, that is
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