杭州市于 2 0 0 3年 4月 19日确诊“非典”病人后 ,启动了“非典”预案的三级疫情 ,并于 4月 2 2日起在全市范围开设了发热门诊 ,共设有发热门诊187家 (其中市区开设发热门诊 32家 ) ,对发热病人进行分流诊治 ,对防治非典起到了积极的作用 ,杭州市的发热门诊在开设的过程中逐步
After confirming the SARS patient on April 19, 2003, Hangzhou started the third-grade outbreak of the “SARS” plan and started fever clinics in the whole city on April 22 with a total of fever 187 clinics (including 32 out-patient clinics in the urban area), shunt treatment of fever patients, played a positive role in prevention and treatment of SARS, fever clinics in Hangzhou in the process of opening a gradual