在刚刚过去的这段日子里,“十六大”绝对是一个热门话题。全国上下,人们眼里读的、耳里听的、嘴里说的,莫不与此相关。可见,新世纪之初召开的这一盛会,实实在在是牵动了全国人民的心。 十六大提出,在本世纪头二十年,要全面建设小康社会。 根据权威人士的解释:全面的小康社会,是指到二○二○年,国民生产总值翻两番,人均GDP达到3000美元(二○○○年我国人均GDP为800美元)。不仅仅解决温饱问题,而且从政治、经济、文化各方面满足城乡发展需要,比如,社会主义民主更加完善,法制更加完备,人与环境更加和谐,每个人都能得到良好的教育和更好的发展。显然,这幅美好的画卷之所以如此鼓舞人心,是因为它关
In the past few days, “the Sixteenth Congress” is definitely a hot topic. Across the country, people read in the eyes, listening to his mouth, his mouth, and none of this related. It can be seen that this grand gathering held at the beginning of the new century really affects the hearts of the people throughout the country. At the 16th CPC National Congress, we must comprehensively build a well-to-do society in the first two decades of this century. According to the authoritative explanation, an overall well-to-do society means that by 2020, the gross national product will quadruple its GDP per capita to 3,000 U.S. dollars (China’s GDP per capita was 800 U.S. dollars in 2000). Not only to solve the problem of food and clothing, but also to meet the needs of urban and rural development in all aspects of politics, economy and culture. For example, socialist democracy is more complete, the legal system is more complete, people and the environment are more harmonious, everyone has a good education and a better development of. Obviously, this beautiful picture is so inspiring because it is off