方璐是一名录像艺术家。1981年生于中国广州,2005年获美国纽约视觉艺术学院平面设计学士学位,2007年获美国旧金山艺术学院新类型系(录像和行为)的硕士学位。她的作品曾在旧金山艺术学院的Walter & Mcbean画廊、麻省当代艺术家中心、伦敦The Bridge艺术博览会、巴黎/柏林的The Rencontres Internationales等展出,并在旧金山公众电视台和意大利MTV QOOB电视台播出。她现工作与居住在北京。
Fang Lu is a video artist. Born in Guangzhou, China in 1981, received a bachelor’s degree in graphic design from the New York Institute of Visual Art in 2005 and a master’s degree in new types (video and behavior) from the Academy of Art in San Francisco in 2007. Her works have been exhibited at the Walter & Mcbean Gallery at the Art Institute of San Francisco, the Massachusetts Center for Contemporary Art, The Bridge Art in London, The Rencontres Internationales in Paris / Berlin and on the San Francisco Public Television and MTV QOOB in Italy. She is currently working and living in Beijing.