世界著名的跨国制药企业——默沙东公司在药物创新方面一直处于世界领先地位。从1996年至2001年短短的6年中,默沙东公司就研制开发了16种新药,其中5种新药占默沙东全球药品销售比例从1999年的46%增长到2000年的60%。此外,默沙东还有8个项目正处在 IIB 临床研究或更进一步的阶段,几个重要的疫苗正在进行临床试验,还有许多具有新的治疗机制的化合物正在早期研制
The world famous multinational pharmaceutical company - Merck, the company in drug innovation has been in the world leader. In a short span of six years from 1996 to 2001, Merck has developed 16 new drugs. Of these, 5 new drugs accounted for the global pharmaceutical sales of Merck’s drugs from 46% in 1999 to 60% in 2000. In addition, eight more projects in Merck called are in Phase IIB clinical studies or further, several important vaccines are undergoing clinical trials, and many compounds with novel therapeutic mechanisms are being developed earlier