Experimental animals male guinea pigs. Fasting guinea pigs were anesthetized with pentobarbitone (35 mg / kg), incised in the abdominal wall, and both ends of the stomach were ligated. Into the stomach was dissolved in 0.25ml (saline 250 micrograms N-dimethylnitrosamine (NDMA), was also injected into the ligation of the small intestine NDMA.At constant time within 2.5 to 20 minutes, take the stomach and Small intestine, the contents of NDMA content determination of the stomach and small intestine can be absorbed, but from the stomach to clear more slowly than the small intestine, such as 2.5 minutes gastric residual 92.5%, small intestine 67.1%; 15 minutes were 55.3% and 7.0 %; Gastric residue in 20 minutes 46.8%, while only 2.2% of the small intestine.