竹绒野螟Crocidophora evenoralis Walker属鳞翅目、螟蛾科、绒野螟属。分布于四川、浙江、江苏、江西、福建、广东等省。 在川东,竹绒野螟主要为害白夹竹、寿竹、未见为害慈竹。1979年,梁平县竹山区11万亩竹林内,有9万多亩发生竹绒野螟为害,被害株率达89%,平均每株有虫苞96.3个。竹子被害后,叶片枯白大量脱落、长势减弱、发笋量减少。当年6月,在1.7万亩上,用飞机喷洒马拉松乳剂、乐果乳剂、晶体敌百虫等农药,杀虫效果仅2—19.7%。为了解决这一生产中的问题,1979—1981年,我们对此虫的生物学特性及其防治方法进行了初步研究,现将结果整理如下:
Caterpillar borer Crocidophora evenoralis Walker genus Lepidoptera, Pyralidae, velvet borer genera. Distributed in Sichuan, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Fujian, Guangdong and other provinces. In eastern Sichuan, bamboo borer borer main damage white clip bamboo, Shouzhu, no damage to the mercy bamboo. In 1979, 110,000 mu of bamboo forest in Liangshan County of Zhuping County, there are more than 90,000 acres of bamboo borer borer damage occurred, the victim strain rate of 89%, an average of 96.3 per plant bud worm. After the bamboo was killed, a large number of leaves withered off, growing weakening, reducing the amount of bamboo shoots. In June of that year, 17,000 mu were sprayed with pesticides such as marathon emulsion, dimethoate emulsion, crystal trichlorfon and other insecticides, killing insects only 2-19.7%. In order to solve this problem in production, from 1979 to 1981, we conducted a preliminary study on its biological characteristics and methods of prevention and treatment. The results are summarized as follows: