香荚迷(Viburnum farreri)别名探春、香探春,是忍冬科荚迷属植物。原产我国华北、西北、西南等地,多生于海拔500~2000米的中低山区及亚高山地区的林缘及次生林内。落叶灌木,株高3米;小枝褐色,疏生短柔毛;单叶对生叶面有皱褶,叶缘有三角形锯齿;圆锥花序,具多花,颇似丁香;花冠高脚碟状,花冠筒长7~10毫米,先端5裂,含苞待放时粉红色,后为白色(见彩
Viburnum fans (Viburnum farreri) alias Tan Chun, Xiang Tan spring, is a Lost winter pods fans genus. Origin North China, Northwest China, Southwest China and other places, mostly born in 500 ~ 2000 meters above sea level in the low mountains and subalpine regions of the forest margin and secondary forest. Deciduous shrub, plant height 3 m; branchlets brown, sparsely pubescent; leaf follicles follicles foliate, leaf margin triangular serrated; panicles, with more flowers, Corolla tube length 7 ~ 10 mm, apex 5 crack, budding to be pink, white (see color