编辑同志: 我是一位中学英语教师,我想教孩子学英语,请问学英语会与汉语混淆吗? 吉林金玉洁金玉洁同志: 无论孩子学哪种语言,要有这种语言的环境,使他有可能多听、多用、多练习。你是英语教员,从小教孩子英语当然不成问题。建议你一开始就自然地多用英语和他交谈,结合实物和实际活动用英语告诉他这是什么,那是干么,用英语对他发指示。这样他就会象接受母语那样,不需什么复杂的翻译过程,直接地接受下来。同时学习和运用两种语言不会影响智力发
Edit comrades: I am a high school English teacher, I want to teach children to learn English, ask learn English will be confused with Chinese? Jilin Jin Yujie Jin Yujie comrades: no matter what language children learn to have this language environment, so that He may listen more, use more and practice more. You are an English teacher, of course, teaching children English is not a problem. I suggest you start with naturally more conversation with him in English, combined with physical and practical activities in English tell him what it is, what it is doing, in English he was instructed. In this way, he would accept it directly, without any complicated translation process, as his mother tongue did. Learning and using both languages at the same time will not affect intellectual development