上海师范大学图书馆创建于1954年8月,经过50年的发展,全馆现有4处馆舍,3处在徐汇校区,1处在奉贤校区(左图),总面积达30000多平方米;馆藏纸质文献数量达230万册,视听文献3万余件,数字文献种数已接近纸质文献。在编工作人员142人,设采访部、编目部、信息技术部、读者服务部等8部1室。除特藏图书参考室和存贮书库外,各书库和阅览室都采取借阅合一的开架服务形式对读者开放,并全面开展网络服务。 上海师范大学图书馆的馆藏
Shanghai Normal University Library was founded in August 1954. After 50 years of development, the museum has 4 premises, 3 in Xuhui Campus and 1 in Fengxian Campus (left) with a total area of more than 30,000 square meters ; The number of paper documents in the collection reached 2.3 million and the number of audiovisual documents was more than 30,000. The number of digital documents was close to that of paper documents. In the staff of 142 people, set up Interview Department, Cataloging Department, Department of Information Technology, Reader Services Department 8 1 room. In addition to the special library reference library and storage library, the library and reading rooms are borrowed together to open one form of open service to readers, and the full range of network services. Shanghai Normal University Library Collection