Impacts of ice cover on local scour around semi-circular bridge abutment

来源 :Journal of Hydrodynamics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zebra4th
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The presence of ice cover in winter can significantly change the flow field around bridge abutments,which can also cause a different local scour pattern.To investigate the impacts of ice cover,results from a recent flume experiments were presented.Smooth and rough ice covers were created to investigate the impacts of ice cover roughness on the scour geometry around the semi-circular abutment.Three bed materials were used,with50D s of 0.58 mm,0.50 mm,0.47 mm respectively.Scour volume and scour area were calculated.It was found that the maximum scour depth was located 75o inclined to the flume wall.Under rough ice cover,the scour area and scour depth were the largest.An empirical equation on the maximum scour depth was also developed. The presence of ice cover in winter can significantly change the flow field around bridge abutments, which can also cause a different local scour pattern. To investigate the impacts of ice cover, results from a recent flu me experiments were presented. Smooth and rough ice covers were created to investigate the impacts of ice cover roughness on the scour geometry around the semi-circular abutment. Three bed materials were used, with 50D s of 0.58 mm, 0.50 mm, 0.47 mm respectively. Scale and scour area were calculated. that the maximum scour depth was located 75o inclined to the flume wall .Under rough ice cover, the scour area and scour depth were the largest. An empirical equation on the maximum scour depth was also developed.
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