病例资料患者,女,45岁,因“布加综合征下腔静脉支架植入术后9年”入院。9年前因“布加综合征、肝后段下腔静脉重度狭窄”在外院行“下腔静脉支架置入术”。3个月前复查腹部CTV见肝后段腔静脉支架受压变形(图1);肝静脉显影不清;奇静脉、半奇静脉增粗;脾静脉-左肾静脉分流。查体:腹围75 cm,腹平坦,未见腹壁静脉怒张;肝下界达右肋缘下1 cm,脾下缘达左肋缘下1 cm,移动性浊音阴性。
Case data The patient, female, 45 years old, was admitted for 9 years after implantation of inferior vena cava in Budd-Chiari syndrome. Nine years ago because of “Buji syndrome, severe posterior hepatic vena cava stenosis ” in the hospital line “IVC stenting ”. 3 months ago to review the abdominal CTV see the posterior hepatic segmental vena cava compression deformation (Figure 1); hepatic vein imaging is not clear; azygous, semi-azygos vein thickening; splenic vein - left renal vein shunt. Physical examination: Abdominal circumference 75 cm, flat belly, no abdominal wall anger; lower bound to the right lower edge of the liver 1 cm, splenic lower edge of the left rib margin 1 cm, shifting voiced negative.