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慢性萎缩性胃炎与肠上皮化生(简称肠化)常同时存在,且发病颇为普遍,其病因、发病机制迄今尚未完全阐明。但因其与胃癌关系密切,多数学者将其作为胃癌癌前病变,故引起广泛重视。因此,对萎缩性胃炎与肠化的发病和防治的研究,对预防和减少胃癌的发病率具有重要意义。一、萎缩性胃炎病因与病理的研究:萎缩性胃炎的病因迄今不太明了,以往认为与自身免疫而产生的壁细胞抗体有关。但近年来以电镜作超微结构研究,发现不论萎缩性胃炎伴血清壁细胞抗体阳性或阴性患者,二者的超微结构均无显著差异,提示壁细胞抗体是胃粘膜损害的一种继发现象,而不是壁细胞损害的原因。亦有报告我国萎缩性胃炎壁细胞抗体低于 Chronic atrophic gastritis and intestinal metaplasia (referred to as intestinal metaplasia) often exist at the same time, and the incidence is quite common, its etiology, pathogenesis has not yet been fully elucidated. However, due to its close relationship with gastric cancer, most scholars regard it as a precancerous lesion of gastric cancer, so it has attracted widespread attention. Therefore, the study on the incidence and prevention of atrophic gastritis and intestinal metastasis is of great significance in preventing and reducing the incidence of gastric cancer. First, the cause and pathological study of atrophic gastritis: The cause of atrophic gastritis has hitherto been unclear. In the past, it was thought that there was a correlation with the parietal cells produced by autoimmunity. However, in recent years, ultrastructural studies using electron microscopy revealed that regardless of atrophic gastritis patients with positive or negative serum parietal cell antibodies, there was no significant difference in the ultrastructure between them, suggesting that parietal cell antibodies are secondary to gastric mucosal lesions. Phenomenon, not the cause of parietal cell damage. There have also been reports that atrophic gastritis antibody levels are below
1892年 Metchnikoff 首次提出了巨噬细胞的概念及臣噬细胞的吞噬作用在机体防御机制中具有重要的意义。近年来发现巨噬细胞不仅具有吞噬功能,而且还具有分泌、杀菌、抗肿瘤
<正> 我们离开高速公路干线,驶上一条碎石路,然后一拐,驶上一条淡红色的泥土路。我们翻上一个小陡坡,平坦的坡顶上,舒尔科普家的那个饱经风雨的信箱,竖在齐膝深的忍冬和毒蒺藜丛里,信箱的顶盖耷拉下来,宛若歪戴着一顶礼帽。登上坡顶,我妻子才第一次看见了农庄。她忧心忡忡地坐在我身边,身体微微前倾,她儿子坐在我身后,一只胳臂肘紧压着我的肩膀。映入眼帘的是一片绿茵
A 概述 1、目的与对象 1.目的:制定本规约的目的是,按照同一标准,能够取得统一的临床、病理、统计学材料,以期提高大肠癌治疗效果。2.对象 a、本规约中所说大肠癌、仅指原发
癌基因即 Oncogene,也有称为致癌基因、肿瘤基因等。这种基因不仅具有致癌作用,而且能使细胞维持癌的性质。一、癌基因研究的初期六十年代,在细胞水平上开始进行了致癌机理
因发展需要,“瑞安凯迪药化机械有限公司”自2011年1月11日起更名为“浙江凯迪药化机械有限公司”。瑞安凯迪药化机械有限公司成立以来,在中国制 Due to the development ne
本文用流式细胞仪(FCM)和有丝分裂细胞阻断相结合的方法计算细胞增殖率。 FCM能测量出细胞周期的G_1、S和(G_2+M)各期的相对DNA含量的分布,可以计算出细胞群的增殖率。长春
本文叙述转化细胞膜或癌细胞膜的特性,研究细胞膜的常用方法,抗癌药物对膜的影响,以及利用膜的特性治疗肿瘤的展望等问题。 This article describes the characteristics of