1998年7月5日晚上的一场大暴雨,为冯村近30年来所罕见,山水顺着豆立沟急流而下,顿时淹没了冯村药厂西口马路的凹地处,水深达一米五六,且水流特急。 7月6日早上5点10分左右,担负防汛值班任务而一夜未睡的冯村党支部书记阎永喜、村团支部书记王常华、村委会委员阎洪刚等6人分乘两辆小车到村口巡察水情,此时洪水已经漫过了冯村南沟。当车刚到药厂西马路口时,便看见前往石龙工业区“美厨”上班的北岭居民谭冬第、赵小燕两名30岁的妇女正紧紧抱在一起趟水过马路,由于水流太
July 5, 1998 evening a heavy rain for Feng village nearly 30 years ago, the landscape along the Dou Li Gou rapids, suddenly submerged Fengcun pharmaceutical factory west exit of the road concave, water depth of one meter five six , And the water rush. At about 5:10 am on July 6, Yan Yongxi, party secretary of Fengcun, who took over the task of flood control on duty, and Wang Changhua, secretary of the village branch branch, and Yan Honggang, member of the village committee, took two car trips to the village port to inspect Water conditions, this time the flood has diffused Fengcun Nangou. When the car just arrived at the West Junction of the pharmaceutical factory, we saw the Tan Dong Di, Zhao Xiaoyan, two 30-year-old women who headed for the Shilong Industrial Zone and the “Chef” to work. , Due to water flow too