夜明珠究竟有没有呢?它又可能是什么东西呢? 据现代科学研究,自然界物体发光一般有两种情况,一种是“热发光”即物体因受热而发光。如常见的火光、白炽灯发光等。另一种是“冷光”,即物体不是因温度升高而发出的光。冷光又可分为两种一种是当物体受到外来光线或电子、高能
According to modern scientific research, there are two general situations in which natural objects emit light. One is “hot light”, ie, the object emits light when it is heated. Such as the common fire, incandescent light. The other is “cold light”, that is, the object is not the light emitted by the temperature rise. Luminous light can be divided into two kinds of one is when the object by external light or electrons, high energy