The Importance of Three Protozoa in Corn Straw Decomposition and Nutrient Transformation

来源 :Agricultural Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ligang_nc2
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Three typical soil protozoa of Bodo edax, Colpoda cucullus and Amoeba proteus were inoculated into the soil amended with corn straw. The soils were then incubated at 25℃ for 60 days. It was found that the protozoa, particularly Bodo edax, significantly reduced soil microbial biomass C. However, the decomposition of corn straw was accelerated by the protozoa. Colpoda cucullus significantly enhanced soil available P content, but Amoeba proteus decreased soil available P content. Colpoda cucullus and Bodo edax did not obviously influence NH4+-N and NO3--N contents. In contrast, Amoeba proteus significantly increased both NH4+-N and NO3--N contents. Three typical soil protozoa of Bodo edax, Colpoda cucullus and Amoeba proteus were inoculated into the soil amended with corn straw. The soils were then incubated at 25 ° C for 60 days. It was found that the protozoa, particularly Bodo edax, significantly reduced soil microbial biomass C. However, the decomposition of corn straw was accelerated by the protozoa. Colpoda cucullus significantly enhanced soil available P content, but Amoeba proteus decreased soil available P content. Colpoda cucullus and Bodo edax did not significantly affect NH4 + -N and NO3-- N contents. In contrast, Amoeba proteus significantly increased both NH4 + -N and NO3 - N contents.
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