7月22日,八国集团首脑会议在日本冲绳发表“IT宪章”。 一石激起千层浪。人们认为西方发达国家在瓜分未来。联合国秘书长安南提出批评。但显得苍白无力。 信息产业推动世界经济的发展。有人把新经济比作新型火箭,信息产业则是这枚火箭的推进器。在西方国家,信息产业已成为其经济支柱,为了能够占领全球市场,八国首脑们抛出了这部“IT宪章”。
On July 22, the G-8 Summit issued the “IT Charter” in Okinawa, Japan. A stone aroused Melaleuca waves. People think that the western developed countries are dividing up the future. UN Secretary-General Annan criticized. But it seems pale and weak. Information Industry Promote the Development of World Economy. Some people compared the new economy to a new type of rocket and the information industry propelled this rocket. In western countries, the information industry has become its economic pillar. In order to be able to occupy the global market, the eight heads of state have thrown this “IT Charter.”