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《梦游天姥吟留别》是首记梦诗,但它的主 体部分的梦境(仙境)描写并非中学语文教材“自读提示”说的那样,写的是诗人“对自由的强烈的追求”。因为诗中的想象之物并不是都让人迷恋的,像“熊咆龙吟殷岩泉,栗深林兮惊层巅,”“列缺霹雳,丘峦崩摧,”这些景象有何美丽可言?诗人从梦中回到现实不是还在“忽魂悸以魄动,恍惊起而长嗟”么?根据 “Sleepwalking Tian Mu Yin” is the first recorded dream poetry, but its main part of the Dreamland (Wonderland) description is not a high school language teaching material “self-read prompt,” as written, is the poet’s “strong pursuit of freedom.” Because the imagination in the poem is not obsessed with people, like “Bear roaring Yin Yinquan, chestnut deep forest Xi Jing top,” “lack of Perak, Qiu Luan collapse,” What is the beauty of these scenes at all The poet from the dream to return to reality is not still “Suddenly the soul throbbing with soul move, startled and long 嗟” What? According to
农村学校由于受经济、社会等因素的影响,少先队活动存在着开展次数少、形式单一、参与面少等问题。农村少先队工作如何与城市接轨,与时代同步,适应现代化发展,开展有新意、有实效、深受队员喜爱的活动呢?经过长期的实践和探索,我们找到了一条适宜可行的路子:紧紧依托农村实际,挖掘资源,充分利用当地独特的乡土风情,开展一些“农”味十足的特色活动,让队员们在活动中体验生活,接受教育。  我们学校位于绍兴水乡东湖,毗