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通知:省直属机关单位、太原市人民政府、各专署、县、工矿区、运城镇人民政府山西省各级人民政府暂行供给标准除照(51)省财务预字第二四号通知执行外,近据各地反映:仍有不明确或不合实际之处特补充如下:一、一九五一年度财政暂行供给标准,公用开支部份第四项第一节规定:「途中伙食补助费……不坐火车、轮胎者,比火车、轮船者少补助四分之一……」为了照顾徒步或骑自行车者,可和坐火车、轮胎的标准一样全部补助,不予减少。又第五节规定:「外勤伙食补助费:各级供给制人员到达工作地点后,驻机关吃饭者……因标准不同超过其原来伙食部份(注:第二节丁目规定)由所到机关证明,回原机关准予报销,但最多每人每日不得超过一、五○○元……」此项标准系指除本人应交原领伙食部份外,在此范围(即一、五○○元)内核实报销,不应包干补助。也不应提高标准。二、住勤费:因公出差超出本省范围,在所到地区无机关食宿者。可依下列标准。发给住勤费: Notice: Temporary Supply Standards of People’s Governments at all Levels in Shanxi Province, except the organs and agencies directly under the provincial government, the people’s government of Taiyuan, all agencies, counties, industrial and mining areas, and Yuncheng people’s government, According to reports from all over the world, there are still ambiguities or unrealities added as follows: I. Temporary Provisions on Financial Expenditure in 1951 and Section 4 of Section 4 of the Public Expenditure states: “On-course meals allowances ... Take the train, the tire is less than the train, boat less subsidy a quarter ... ... ”In order to take care of walking or cyclists, and take the train, the standard tire all subsidies, not reduced. And section V provides: “Field meal subsidies: the supply staff at all levels to reach the work place, eat in the organs ... ... because of different standards than the original portion of their meals (Note: Section II, Section Provisions) by the authorities to prove , Back to the original authority to allow reimbursement, but up to a maximum of one million yuan per person per day ... ... ”This standard means that in addition to the original part of my meal, in this range (ie 1,500 Yuan) within the core reimbursement, should not be dry subsidies. Nor should raise the standard. Second, dwelling expenses: business trips beyond the scope of the province, in the region where there is no agency. According to the following criteria. Send to the service fee:
同意財政厅、卫生厅关于“山西省处理医疗机构病人欠費的辦法”的报告。但应强調在催收时的政治思想工作,對貧困戶应切实調查清楚。希迚照执行。 Agree with the report of
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《吉林省河道管理条例》已经一九八四年二月十八日吉林省第六届人民代表大会常务委员会第五次会议原则批准。现予公布施行。 The Regulations for the Management of River