工厂菜单的项目为英文字母,其内容用中文进行介绍,表示如下:R:白平衡时R值的调整。G:白平衡时G值的调整。B:白平衡时B值的调整。COLOR TEMP:色温值设定。COL DELAY:彩色延时值。TVGAMA:CAMA校正值。Y DELAY:Y延时值。CORE:中心消噪值。
The items in the factory menu are English letters, the contents of which are introduced in Chinese as follows: R: Adjustment of R value at white balance. G: Adjustment of G value in white balance. B: B-value adjustment in white balance. COLOR TEMP: color temperature setting. COL DELAY: color delay value. TVGAMA: CAMA correction value. Y DELAY: Y delay value. CORE: Center denoising value.