目前认为喉咽反流性疾病(laryngopharyngealreflux diseases,LPRD)的主要致病因素为胃酸和胃蛋白酶,临床上药物治疗主要是应用抗酸制剂和质子泵抑制剂。而上消化道动力异常是LPRD基本发病机制,改善上消化道动力在LPRD的治疗中是否具有必要性,目前尚无定论。我科分别或联合应用?
At present, the main causative agents of laryngopharyngealreflux diseases (LPRD) are gastric acid and pepsin, and clinical drug therapy is mainly the application of antacid and proton pump inhibitors. The upper gastrointestinal motility abnormalities are the basic pathogenesis of LPRD, improve upper gastrointestinal motility in the treatment of LPRD is necessary, there is no conclusion. My department separately or jointly?