双手抓球、起跳。球,被狠狠地砸进了篮筐。在完成了这一气呵成的双手灌篮后,姚明得到了他在NBA2004—2005赛季的第一个2分。他下意识地看了一眼因为受伤而戴起了护肘的左臂。此时的姚明还不知道,那黑色的护肘预示着48分钟后,他在新赛纪的揭幕战上只会得到7分10个篮板1次盖帽。而火箭队也会以79比87负于活塞队——上赛季的总冠军,刚刚戴在他们手指上的总冠军戒指还未冷却。 “在路上,一个中国人在夺取NBA总冠军的路上。”在描述自己新赛季的状态时,姚明如是说。
Grasp the ball with both hands, take off. The ball, was severely hit into the basket. After completing this one-of-a-kind slam dunk, Yao got his first two points in the NBA 2004-2005 season. He glanced unconsciously at the left arm of the elbow because of the injury. Yao Ming did not know at this time, that black elbow foreshadowed 48 minutes later, he will only get 7 points 10 rebounds and 1 block in the opening ceremony of the new season. The Rockets will be 79 than 87 loss to the Pistons - the championship last season, just wearing the championship rings on their fingers has not cooled. “On the way, a Chinese is winning the NBA championship. ” In describing his new season status, Yao Ming said.