Internet这一迄今为止人类发明的最神奇的传播工具,正以超过历史上任何传媒普及的速度迅速发展着。进入90年代以后World Wide Web的引进,更是提供了一种可以同步传递文字、图片、声音、图象、动画和计算机软件等大量信息的工具,它第一次使人们有可能不需要通过任何中介而领略各种文化和直接进入世界市场。随着Internet主要由政府和科研机构使用的平台向商业应用开放,这一新媒介自然而然被越来越多的商家用来宣传自己,宣传自己的品牌。尽管目前网络广告在整个广告业所占的份额还十分微小,但它的潜力正在被市场认识。随着市场的进一步发育,特别是技术进步,网络广告尤其
The Internet, the most magical means of communication so far invented by mankind, is rapidly growing faster than any media in history has popularized. The introduction of the World Wide Web into the 1990s has provided a tool that can simultaneously transmit vast amounts of information such as texts, pictures, sounds, images, animations and computer software, making it possible for the first time that people may not need to pass any Intermediary and enjoy a variety of cultures and direct access to the world market. As the Internet is largely open to commercial applications by platforms used by governments and research institutes, this new medium is naturally being used by more and more businesses to promote itself and promote its brand name. Although the current share of online advertising in the advertising industry is still very small, but its potential is being recognized by the market. With the further development of the market, especially technological progress, online advertising is especially